Bulldog Score


My original score for the short film ‘Bulldog’ is now available to stream. it was produced entirely by a Manchester-based cast and crew and filmed on location in the region.

Filming was completed before lockdown, while we wrapped the music and sound design just as restrictions were introduced in March 2020.

Since then, the film has screened at over forty festivals worldwide and picked up a handful of awards along the way.

Lockdowns meant that I didn’t get to see it on the big screen until September 2021, and I couldn’t have picked a more fitting place than the wonderful HOME in Manchester.

Hope you enjoy this clip from the final track, ‘Dog Shelter’ and check out the full score at https://soundcloud.com/dissolveaudio/sets/bulldog-ost

The film is also available for your viewing pleasure at https://vimeo.com/596756837


Made by Block B Films

Starring Louis Brogan

Directed by Kieran Stringfellow

Produced by Natasha Williams

Sound Design & Score by @dissolveaudio

More on Bulldog and Block B’s other amazing work can be found at www.blockbfilms.co.uk

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